Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Birthday

Yesterday would have been my dad's 85th birthday. It's been almost 4 years since he passed away. After church, we took the kids to visit his grave and give him a rose. We took the time to talk to the kids about resurrection. It was a nice learning moment for them. Later that night most of my brothers and sister and their families came over to surprise my mom. We had taken her downstairs to show her a video while all the others snuck into the house. When we brought my mom upstairs there was everyone sitting in the living room. She was so surprised and very touched. We watched the video that we had put together for my dad's funeral that had some pictures and music. And then we all re-listened to his funeral with all of the talks and music. It was actually really good to relive some of the memories we had with him and be reminded of what an incredible man he is. We love him and look forward to a great reunion some day.

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